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Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course

Module Descriptions

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Understanding and perceiving diversity

Module 1 of the Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course

A firm and tangible understanding of what diversity and the concepts of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) mean is a key prerequisite for the work of diversity trainers. In the first module of the Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course, we will give you a basic overview of different categories of diversity and the historical development of the concept of DEIB.

In this module, theoretical basics on the different diversity categories as well as on the concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging are taught. Building on this background knowledge, we accompany your individual positioning as a trainer, both personally and in relation to your own professional profile. The goal is to give you a comprehensive overview of all concepts so that you can recognize areas of tension and identify constructive development strategies.

First, we will define what is meant by diversity and which categories of diversity are important for creating a non-discriminatory environment. We then discuss the concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging from a historical perspective, focusing on approaches to ensuring a discrimination-free environment. We relate these four concepts to the (organizational) culture and provide you with tools to effectively accompany change processes towards open coexistence. In addition, you will receive practical methods for the analysis and survey of perceived and desired diversity.

Under the keyword intersectionality, the simultaneous intersection and effect of several categories of diversity will be focused on. The previously developed understanding of the various diversity categories and approaches forms the basis for their holistic processing and consideration, with the goal of being able to develop comprehensive and unifying strategies for action.

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Course Design

Module 2 of the Intercultural/Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course

The sustainability of any training depends on a solid course design and a good methodology. In this module we will introduce you to our concept for the development and implementation of effective intercultural training.

Overall, this is perhaps the most ‘technical’ module in our Intercultural Train-the-Trainer Course. As in all modules, we will enhance your methodology by introducing classic and new tools for intercultural instruction. With our concepts of assessment, curriculum development and transfer/evaluation you will meet the certification criteria of all major educational associations.

To gain an understanding of our clients' situation, we first focus on the needs assessment. Here you will learn how to position the intercultural training in the larger context of organizational development.

We work on your precision in defining learning targets for the intercultural training as well as the development of the training concept. In a workshop, participants will design two curricula - one for general cultural awareness training and one for training on a specific national culture.

Sustainability also depends a lot on the transfer concepts through which the contents of the intercultural training are connected with the daily work life of participants. Therefore, we highlight what comes after the training: transfer and evaluation.

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Conflict Resolution in Intercultural and Diversity Training

Module 3 of the Intercultural/Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course

Conflicts and minor disruptions are part and parcel of everyday training. The intercultural context, however, adds a particularly sensitive dimension of potential causes of conflicts. This module illustrates and conveys strategies to maintain and restore a productive working atmosphere within the training group.

In this module, we will discuss real conflict situations collected in years of training experience. These will be reviewed in case studies and interventions will be developed by the group. One problem which may arise in intercultural training is, for example, a lack of acceptance of topic or of the trainer on the part of the group. Situations like these require smart strategies.

We analyze intercultural conflicts from two perspectives: We look at conflicts that triggered the training in the first place as well as those, which arise during a seminar. You will learn how to identify the causes for conflicts, keeping in mind that the core of the problem is in fact is not always of an intercultural nature.

We look at the process of conflicts from a cross-cultural perspective. This includes a comparison of various models of group dynamics and escalation/de-escalation strategies.

Complaint management for trainers as well as available channels for neutral arbitration and a short introduction to intercultural mediation are further elements of the module.

As in all modules, participants will be invited to present their own training units. In this module, however, we will add some conflict simulations, thus giving you an opportunity to practice your conflict resolution skills on within the protected environment of this course.

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DEIB in Practice - Strategies and Tools

Module 4 of the Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course

Diversity training is an important instrument of human resources and organizational development. If you want to be successful as a diversity trainer, you have to know the requirements and processes in organizations and align your own offering accordingly. In this module, we look at the market and the means by which diversity can be shaped in organizations.

In this module, we begin by looking at the common lines of argumentation for and against engaging with diversity. In doing so, we will once again convey the benefits of diversity in a research-based manner and prepare you to handle any objections.

Diversity training is often embedded in a broader change process. Accordingly, it is necessary for diversity trainers to be able to moderate and accompany this change process well. For this purpose and for the necessary reflective use of language in the context of DEIB, various models are presented that offer orientation for practice.

In addition, various strategies and methods are presented on how diversity can be measured and developed in the organizational context. In doing so, it is important to be able to accurately describe the current status quo of how diversity is perceived, as well as to define development goals in concrete terms and to monitor their achievement. The resulting comparability provides training measures with a solid foundation. Taking this idea further, we will show you how diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging influence the work in human resources and where there are promising starting points for the work as a diversity trainer.

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Maarifa Training Systems FZCO
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Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
+1 (302) 394-0050

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