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© Robert Kneschke (Fotolia #169701748)

The Professional Trainer

Module 1 of the BAMIK Trainer Academy (classroom + online)
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BAMIK Trainer Academy
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To get you started, the first module of the BAMIK Trainer Academy will introduce you to the professional ethos of the trainer. Not only do we need to understand who and what we are as adult educators, but we also have to define what makes us good trainers. In this module, we will explore the answers in both the classroom and e-learning sessions.

As part of the module, you will spend one day in a classroom kick-off seminar. Here you will meet your instructors and peers and learn about the BAMIK Trainer Academy. On this first day, we will discuss two questions that are central for us: “What makes a trainer a good trainer?” and “What are the ethical standards for the training profession?” By putting ethics first, we want these standards to guide you and ourselves throughout this train-the-trainer program and in your professional life as a trainer.

During the e-learning phase of this module, we will introduce you to a number of important theories and standards that should enable you to better develop your own profile as an adult education professional. The eight online sessions of 90 minutes will take you from the classic perspectives on education (such as Aristotle) through to modern business standards.

We will also introduce you to the quality management of our certifying body, the DVWO, and make sure you know what will be expected from you during the certification process at the end of your train-the-trainer course.

Topics discussed:

Requirements for participation:

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