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Live Online Training

Get customized training and coaching directly to the desks of the participants

Our global network of certified trainers will come to you - online. All our course topics are available for video conferencing and webinars.

Like an in-company training - just online

In our live online trainings, we do many things the same way as you know them from the classical classroom style. We are just doing it long-distance:
  • Every training will be customized to the situation of your organization based on an intensive need analysis.
  • Dates and the duration will be scheduled and adjusted to your needs. For longer trainings, we recommend splitting the content to multiple shorter sessions.
  • Your participants will receive additional course material and documentation to continue learning after the event.
  • All participants will receive certificates of attendance.
Of course, the methodology will be different. Instead of flipchart and pin-board, our trainers will state-of-the-art interactive and digital tools.

How it works:


There are plenty of options to plan a live online training in accordance with the needs of the organization and the learning speed of participants. We can provide any format ranging from a one-hour impulse / key note to half-day or full-day training or courses that last several weeks.


Our standard platform for live meetings is Zoom. If your organization prefers another program (e.g. MS Teams, Skype, Google Meet), we will adjust to your requirements.

Learning management:

In addition to the live training, each participant is invited to use our eCampus. Here, we provide additional webinars and course material for further learning. Those in charge of learning management within your organization can use our integrated LMS feature to add participants, track their progress etc.

Stay informed!

With our newsletter, we would like to keep you up to date about our current course program as well as new publications. You can subscribe here.