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   ·   Course Structure   ·   Online Course   ·   Intensive Courses   ·   Certification   ·   Dates   ·   Pricing & Registration

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Intercultural Train-the-Trainer Course

Build bridges to foreign cultures and support teams in their intercultural collaboration!

Since 2010, BAMIK's Intercultural Train-the-Trainer Course provides people who want build bridges across cultures with the skills and knowledge they need. With our flexible, interactive training concept, we prepare you for this great task!

Hands-on and well-grounded on academic research

Whoever wants to make a convincing impression on his or her clients should be equipped with practical experience, theoretical knowledge and the right methodology. Many people who think about starting a career as intercultural trainer already have lots of practical experience in a variety of fields. For example, they may know a specific culture very well. The challenge is now how to get this expertise across to the participants.

Soon, one will realize that there is quite a difference between one's own practical experience and the skills to explain these based on research-based models and theories. This is where our Intercultural Train-the-Trainer Course comes in. From us, you will receive the theoretical know-how and the practical skills necessary for the development and implementation of sustainable intercultural training.

Who should take this course?

Communicating across cultures and creating a diverse and inclusive workplace are key topics of adult education, HR and leadership. Private and public sector employers need intercultural and/or diversity trainings for a number of reasons. These include, among many others:
  • preparation for foreign assignments
  • building multinational project groups
  • integrating international employees at the local workplace
Our successful alumni include freelance or employed trainers of very diverse backgrounds:
  • Intercultural trainers, coaches and consultants: Do you want to demonstrate your training competence to the market – whether at the beginning of your career or as an experienced colleague? Get our accredited trainer certificate! 
  • Regional experts / consultants: Optimize your training skills and use a certified quality concept for curriculum development in your training projects.  
  • Trainers of international audiences: Is your training topic not intercultural communication but your participants come from around the world? Strenghten your ability to deal with cultural differences in teaching and learning styles.
  • HR professionals: If you are responsible for a culturally diverse staff, you will benefit from a better understanding of your international employee's need and sustainable strategies to address them.
  • Diversity & Inclusion Managers: If you are actively contributing in the development of your company's corporate culture, for example by focusing on diversity management. 

© Prostock-studio (AdobeStock #213808672)

Course Structure

Our modular concept with lots of flexibility for you

Our intercultural train-the-trainer course is divided into four subject matter modules that cover the central topics and competencies for intercultural trainers. Those who wish to obtain a certificate can then continue with another certification module with a colloquium. The modules are offered as online courses throughout the year in German and English. Additionally, we offer intensive courses in Berlin and Dubai.

At a glance

  • Four stand-alone modules
  • Option 1: Online course with weekly meetings on Zoom and a colloquium in Berlin or other cities
  • Option 2: Intensive courses in Berlin and/or Dubai
  • Languages of instructrion: English and/or German
  • Certification module with DVWO
This modular structure gives you a very high level of flexibility. The course offers you just the right mix of theory and practice. You will receive comprehensive course material, including many templates that you can use in your own training.


Each module consists of a combination of content that is partly completed in e-learning and partly in face-to-face seminars. The combined work load required for each module corresponds to approx. 3 days or 24 teaching units of 45 minutes.
  1. Concepts of Culture and Professional Ethos of the Intercultural Trainer
  2. Methodology & Didactics, Designing Sustainable Intercultural Trainings
  3. Intercultural Conflict Resolution
  4. Intercultural HR Development and Diversity Management

Flexibility in sequence, language and location

We offer all modules several times a year in German and English. You can choose between the online course with colloquium or the intensive courses in Berlin and Dubai. You can combine the modules in any variant and complete your training in one city or combine both cities as you wish. You determine the order of the modules yourself. This means that entry is possible at any time. If you are prevented from attending a scheduled module, you can catch up on it at a later time without additional costs. If you are proficient in both languages, you may freely combine English and German modules, which will give you the utmost flexibility.

Course Material and Documentation

In two modules, you will present your own intercultural training project and receive intensive feedback from the instructor and the group. We will record this presentation for you so that you can make your own personal assessment after the module.

© Prostock-studio (AdobeStock #478813460)

Online Course

You can start right away!

In the online course, we conduct the four modules of the course in weekly meetings on Zoom. In addition, there is extensive learning material on our e-learning platform Diversity Webinars as well as the personal get-together in the three-day colloquium.

Weekly meetings

The online course includes 64 teaching units, which are carried out in the form of live meetings. There are eight meetings of 90 minutes length (= 2 units) per module, which we hold every week.

Webinars for self-paced learning

Much of the theoretical content is provided as self-paced webinars on our e-learning platform Diversity Webinars. This means that you can work through the content flexibly according to your personal schedule. We regularly publish new content here, which you can use to keep up to date even after you have completed your program.

Scope of the online course

  • 64 training units in 32 weekly meetings on Zoom
  • 24 training units in the colloquium (face-to-face)
  • 6 training units in 3 weekly meetings for exam preparation on Zoom  
  • 2 hours of individual coaching
  • 20+ hours of material for self-paced learning on Diversity Webinars


The personal encounter and mutual learning with peers are very important for any sustainable train-the-trainer course. Therefore, we offer a special colloquium for the participants of the online course. It is conducted together with the participants of the parallel Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course. Since most of the theoretical instruction takes place online, the colloquium focuses on practical exercises, exchange of experiences, enhancement of methodological skills and the development of the personal profile as a trainer. The colloquium takes place independently of the modules and can be attended at any time. We offer several dates at different locations throughout the year. Participation in the colloquium is a prerequisite for certification by the DVWO.

© Berlin: frank peters (AdobeStock #221180840); Dubai: Rastislav Sedlak SK (Adobe Stock #381677442)

Intensive Courses in Berlin or Dubai

Do the complete training in just two weeks!

Become a certified intercultural trainer with one of our two-week intensive courses. The program is open to English-speaking participants from all over the world who would like to combine the intensive and in-depth training program with a visit to the fascinating cultures of Berlin or Dubai.

In our intensive courses, we conduct all four modules of the train-the-trainer course in two consecutive weeks. It doesn't get more compact than this!
  • Dubai: There is no better way to start the new year with some training. Next date: January 6-17, 2025.
  • In Berlin, the intensive course takes place annually at the end of July or beginning of August as a summer academy. Next date: July 21 - August 1, 2025.
Both cities - Berlin and Dubai - are characterized by great cultural diversity, which we will of course explore as part of the Intercultural Train-the-Trainer course.

Combining Berlin and Dubai

If you can't decide between Berlin and Dubai, or if you only have one week at a time, you can split the intensive course between the two cities. In this case, you will attend week 1 in one city and week 2 in the other. It does not matter in which order you take the modules. For example, you can do modules 3-4 in Berlin and modules 1-2 later in Dubai - or vice versa.

The program of the intensive course

Week 1:

  • Monday-Wednesday: module 1
  • Wednesday-Friday: Module 2 (together with the Diversity Train-the-Trainer course)

Week 2:

  • Monday-Wednesday: module 3 (shared with the Diversity Train-the-Trainer course)
  • Wednesday-Friday: Module 4
You should arrive in Berlin or Dubai the day before, as we start first thing in the morning at 10:00 am. The weekend is at your (and our) free disposal!

Certification after the intensive course

Please note that certification does not take place during the intensive course, but a few weeks or months apart. The certification includes the development of a training concept, for which you should plan some working time. The participants of the intensive courses are certified together with those of the online course on several dates during the year. It is not necessary to travel to Berlin or Dubai again for this.

© Justin K/peopleimages.com (AdobeStock #489377227)


Demonstrate your expertise with an internationally recognized certificate!

After the course, participants may apply for certification with DVWO, Germany's independent umbrella organization of the adult education industry. Certification takes place in a separate module and, after successful completion of all requirements, our graduates will be awarded with the certificate DVWO Certified Intercultural Trainer (BAMIK).

For each completed module, you will receive a certificate of attendance. Once you have attended all four modules, you are eligible to register for the separate certification module. Participants of the online course must also have attended the colloqium. The certification requirements are:
  • development of a training concept for a two-day (16 units) intercultural or diversity training
  • presenting a training unit of 45 minutes from your concept in front of a life audiance
  • written exam of about 90 minutes


Our collaboration with the DVWO guarantees that the certification is conducted by a neutral (!) institution of the German education industry that is widely acknowledged across Europe. The certificate shows that the trainer is able to develop and implement training according to the DVWO's strict quality guidelines.

The DVWO was established in 2002 as a representation for the professional interests of adult educators and is an umbrella organization of professional associations that represent over 10,000 members. The members of the associations within the DVWO are mostly trainers, consultants, and coaches who work regularly as freelancers in adult education. The DVWO unifies approximately 80 percent of Germany’s adult educators. In dialogue with industry, politics and academia, the DVWO participates in the political procedures related to educational topics. As an umbrella organization, one of the DVWO’s central tasks is to shape the conditions under which adult educators pursue their profession.

© Racle Fotodesign (AdobeStock #102062842)


Modules 1-4 are offered on a regular basis and can be booked in any order. It is possible to combine online and classroom sessions. If there are parallel sessions (e.g. Monday and Wednesday), two modules may be taken at the same time. Dates for the exam preparation and certification are not published here, but are arranged with the participants according to demand.

Single Modules

Module 1: Concepts of Culture

Module 2: Course Design

Module 3: Conflicts in Training

Module 4: Interc. HR Development

Colloquium and Intensive Courses


  • 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2024, Berlin, Germany

  • 21 Mar - 23 Mar 2025, Berlin, Germany

Summer Academy in Berlin

Intensive Course in Dubai

© LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS (AdobeStock #512369212)

Pricing & Registration

We offer several options for participation in the Intercultural Train-the-Trainer Course.
  • If you wish to obtain a certificate, we recommend the option "Online course with colloquium and certification" or one of the intensive courses in Berlin or Dubai.
  • If you would like to combine the Intercultural Train-the-Trainer Course with the Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course (six modules in total), you can also book this as part of a cost-effective package.
  • If you have already completed the Diversity Train-the-Trainer Course of BAMIK or the BAMIK Trainer Academy or are still in the process of completing the training there, you can book the two missing modules as well.
  • If you only want to learn the contents and do not want to obtain a certificate, you can also register for the online course only. A later addition of the colloquium and the certification is possible at any time for an additional fee.

Online course with colloquium and certification

Combination package with Diversity TTT Course (six modules)

Intensive Course in Berlin or Dubai with certification

Online course (without certification)

Upgrade for graduates of the Diversity TTT Course

Upgrade to colloquium and certification

Course language

English / German

English / German


English / German

English / German

English / German

Number of full days (classroom)







Number of online meetings (Zoom)







Total scope (teaching units)







Modules can be attended in any order.



You can start your course at any time.


Independent working on course content on our eCampus in accordance with participant's schedule.





Certificate of attendance

Certificate of attendance


Beverages, snacks and lunch



Course Fee

VAT-free in accordance with Art. 4, 21, a, bb UStG (German VAT Act).

3,190 US$ *

4,190 US$ *

3,190 US$ *

2,190 US$ *

1,350 US$ *

1,350 US$ *


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